
January 5, 2011

Agarose Gel Electrophoresis

             Agarose gel electrophoresis of DNA is a method routinely used in molecular biology to identify, purify, and separate DNA fragments. The mixed populations of DNA fragments are separated on the basis of their size.  The technique is easy as well as fast to perform. Moreover, agarose gel electrophoresis has good capability of resolving DNA fragments.

            It has been observed that DNA fragments ranging from 50bp to 20,000bp are well resolved using various concentrations of agarose gels. These characteristic features make this technique to take the centre stage in molecular cloning experiments.

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yonapratiwi said...

Thank you for sharing this information. I'm waiting for your next biotechnology article :)

MolecularHUB said...

Welcome to MolecularHUB, we have posted a new article on DNA gel electrophoresis.